Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

 What do we remember on Memorial Day?
 On Memorial Day, we remember Americans who have died in military service to our nation. It unofficially began after the Civil War with impromptu floral decorations of Confederate and Union soldier graves by their widows and groups of women. It was originally known as Decoration Day, and was first officially recognized in 1873 by the State of New York, with other states gradually acknowledging the day over the years. With the National Holiday Act of 1971, Congress ensured that Memorial Day (and all Federal Holidays) would always be part of a 3 day weekend.  
 At 3:00 today, Americans are asked to observe a moment of silence in tribute to the U.S. men and women who died during military service.
 God Bless America!
 Now, go enjoy your barbeque.

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