Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Poem for Painting

How do I paint thee? Let me count the ways.

With a brush – Either a chip or a sash brush – maybe taped to the end of a long stick – so I can reach way up into the corner of a room with a vaulted ceiling – when I don’t want to climb my 20 foot ladder.

Or with a wooly roller, for a semi-smooth surface – like the swirly plaster in a Mexican restaurant – whose texture I want to apply.

Or perhaps a hot dog (or weenie) roller – which is small enough to reach behind and around the fixtures in a bathroom (like a toilet.) Oh, the weenie roller. Perfect for getting into the corners of a room , and when made of foam, for smoothing out the brush lines when cutting in with semi-gloss paint - which reflects the light in the kitchen – just a bit.

Oh, semi-gloss paint. You are so delicate, and wonderful for kitchens, where the greasy smoke from last night’s fish sticks cling to the walls, calling to be wiped clean. For the semi-gloss is care free and happy to be scrubbed with a sponge - but never an abrasive cleanser.

And you, oh shiny hi-gloss paint. You are so fickle, but long to be applied on door jambs and window sills, or, dare I suggest, the 4 and 6 panel doors in a beautiful home? Oh show me not my reflection like a mirror. For I might gaze long at it, wondering that I can see myself, like a vane contest winner in a beauty pageant.

But you, flat paint. You are my true love, for with you there are no roller lines or brush strokes. No, you are the kindest and most satisfying of all the sheens of paint. With you I could never be unhappy.

Executive Painting and Texture, Inc. Simply Santa Clarita's most popular painters. www.executivepainting.net.

Thanks to our friends at HotSpotSCV. www.hotspotscv.com

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