Time always seems to be running out for the US to shape up...and by that, I mean, "move to the right." Despite the fact that we haven't degraded back to the Stone Age, it seems we get closer all the time.
It took ancient Rome many hundreds of years to fall completely. I suppose it will be the same for the US and the rest of the world, but I predict that the fall WILL come. Because for every Ronald Regan (my favorite president) there are hundreds of Nancy Pelosis and Antonio Villaraigosas, trying to convince hard working capitalists that they are immoral, and misshaping the vision of our founding fathers like some unskilled potter ruining a vase on a potter’s wheel.
These “do gooders” crawl out of the woodwork to try and convince those with weaker minds that the American dream is evil. Anyone who succeeds or tries to succeed in business should repent of their debauchery. From each according to his ability, to each according to their needs. You only have to look to the former Soviet Union see where the philosophies of these morons are going to take us.
In my short life, I’ve seen our country, which has never been perfect, go from rewarding hard working successful entrepreneurs, to punishing the Bill Gates and Warren Buffetts of the world, and treating them as no more than scapegoats for the lack of initiative that most people show in life. What would have happened if Henry Ford or Thomas Edison were alive today? They would be reviled by those who benefit most from their inventions, which did indeed move us farther from the Stone Age and into the modern era.
What’s so great about the modern era? Oh, I don’t know…how about medical science that has extended the lives of people with cancer, no longer an automatic death sentence? How about modern farming that provides more food than the world can eat while preserving the soil for future generations to continue to flourish? How about the ability to stay close to relatives and friends who live on the other side of the country or the world?
It’s not too late to read Atlas Shrugged, which takes these stupid ideals to their extreme, and examines the consequences. So much of that book has come to pass. Indeed, much of it was true before Ayn Rand wrote it. Maybe if everyone knew the significance of the question “Who is John Galt?” we would root out the wrong thinking supporters of President Obama before they had the chance to move us one more step backward in progress. Before the lights go out for the last time in the world of their creation.