I love Baby Chicks. There, I've said it. Who wouldn't love a brood of these little fluffy ping pong balls peeping about?
Unfortunately so do hawks, crows, squirrels, dogs, and before the dogs, coyotes. Everybody loves them. (Squirrels? Yep. They love baby chicks, too.)
When I came to the animal farm, the free ranging chickens were already - free. They run around the ranch all day, philosophizing and fornicating and whatever else it is that chickens do during their free time, and then they fly into the trees at night to sleep. (Do chickens dream in color? They see in more colors than humans do.)
But they can't nest very well in trees, so they hatch eggs in the hay feeders, under the porch, in the brush on the hill, behind the garage, etc. Then one day you have 15 baby chicks following a hen that you haven't seen for a while.
They don't hide much when they're looking for scrumptious insects and seeds to eat, so once the predators notice them, they start disappearing. It’s sad, but it’s the way of the ranch, just like zombie goats and cancer cows.
Being a handyman, I've finally decided to exert my influence, and UnFree the Free Range chickens - at least the hens and the young'ns. It'll take a few $100's, but I'm going to build a new chicken coop and hen house. I’ve researched it a little, and I think I’m going to enjoy this project. If I’m not careful, I will go overboard with little windows, siding, shingled roof, play ground equipment…We’ll see how far I get.
I should point out that the current, dilapidated chicken coop is occupied by peacocks. They are also loved by dogs and coyotes. I don't know if a hawk would take one on... We've realized (read: I was told) that I need to improve this animal hotel. It needs more vertical space so they can go up higher. We run a hose to the pen for their water. I’m sure they would like a Jacuzzi.
Chicken coop photos to follow…